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The ADA4310-1 is comprised of two high speed, current feedback operational amplifiers. The high output current, high bandwidth, and fast slew rate make it an excellent choice for broadband applications requiring high linearity performance while driving low impedance loads. The ADA4310-1 incorporates a power management function that provides shutdown capabilities and/or the ability to optimize the amplifiers quiescent current. The CMOS-compatible, power-down control pins (PD1 and PD0) enable the ADA4310-1 to operate in four different modes: full power, medium power, low power, and complete power down. In the power-down mode, quiescent current drops to only 0.65 mA/amplifier, while the amplifier output goes to a high impedance state. The ADA4310-1 is available in a thermally enhanced, 10-lead MSOP with an exposed paddle for improved thermal conduction and in a thermally enhanced, 4 mm × 4 mm 16-lead LFCSP. The ADA4310-1 is rated to work in the extended industrial temperature range of −40°C to +85°C. Applications Home networking line drivers Twisted pair line drivers Power line communications Video line drivers ARB line drivers I/Q channel amplifiers

lead_free_statusContains Lead
mounting_styleSurface Mount
supply_current11.2 mA
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