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Hook And Loop Stacked Strip Ties, 7 Inches Long (178 mm), 0.75 Inch Wide (19.1 mm), 100 pcs, Black, stacked, pre-cut strips eliminate the need for an installer to cut ties to Long and stage them for each job reducing preparation time and effort, Longs are assembled in 100 piece units; 5 strips per layer across, 20 staggered rows high, this convenient, innovative design allows the installer to easily lift and peel off each tie from a ready to use package, soft, premium material is safe to use on high performance cables protecting against over-tensioning, adjustable, releasable, and re-usable hundreds of times, ideal for applications requiring frequent moves, adds, or changes, available in 8 colors, note - Minimum 2 inch overlap required to achieve loop tensile rating

reach_svhc_complianceNo SVHC
Product RangeTak-Ty&reg
Fastener ColourBlack
Cable Tie Width19.1mm
Tensile Strength N/mІ222N/mmІ
Tensile Strength-
Roll Length178mm
SVHCNo SVHC (17-Dec-2015)
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